The importance of having many male suitors or admirers.
First of all having many suitors gives a woman more skills and experience in dealing with men. Very few women end up marrying their first love and living happily ever after. Most of us made disastrous mistakes with that first man but we learn and get progressively better at dealing with men the more relationships we have (hopefully). So the more men we date the more we know how to handle them.
Secondly it makes a woman more desirable to the man she seeks. Men generally do not want things that other men don't want and this is especially true when it comes to women. The more proof he sees that you are sought after by other men the more he wants you. A woman with many admirers also cares more about her appearance as she is constantly on dates and wants to be seen at her best at all times. As a result she usually looks beautiful and put together and receives compliments from her suitors which gives her more self confidence and has the effect of making her even more attractive.
Another advantage is that it prevents the girl from pining too much after one particular man because if one suitor disappoints her by not calling or by trying to play mind games she has other men to keep her busy while said man comes to his senses.
The key in successfully dating many men however is to make sure that you don't flaunt your many suitors or try to make them jealous of each other. How you do this is another post for another day :)
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