Four qualities that will make you attractive to most men
Back again to the Technique of the Love Affair. In this post I'll share what Ms Moore gave as the four qualities you need to attract almost any man. Poise. This means that you need to be self confident and graceful; everything you do needs to be poised so don't laugh with too much abandon. Avoid clumsiness, brashness, hostility, arrogance and embarrassed self consciousness. When you are arguing or trying to prove a point don't become too heated or hostile and learn how to display your accomplishments without being too obvious or attention seeking. I guess a whole post dedicated to poise is in order. Light-heartedness. You need to appear cheerful and airy without any hint of grief and dejection. Once a man is in love with you and invested in you its okay to share your troubles and sorrows with him but when you've just met a guy or have just gone out for a few dates it will be a turn off for him to constantly see you sad and depressed. Smart dressing. Here is a rule t...
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